2022年 春の講演会

  • 日程: 2022/04/09(土)
  • Webexでのリモート開催
Ç講演会2022年 春の講演会
日程 2022/04/09(土)
会場 Webexでのリモート開催

2022年4月9日(土)開催の「春の講演会」は Webexで開催します。プログラムに書かれているスケジュールの5分前から、講演会開催約1週間前にお知らせするURLにアクセスをしてください。なお、セキュリティー確保のため、URLは郵送およびEメールのみで会員各位に告知いたします。


(日本学術会議協力学術研究団体 Japan International Society for Negotiation)
(配信元:中央大学 多摩キャンパス 3号館3階3205教室)
開催委員長中迫俊逸 (中央大学教授)
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  • 当日、多摩キャンパスの会場へ入構できるのは、基調講演者、会長、副会長および常務理事の中の希望者のみとさせていただきます。なお、上記に該当する希望者は各自PC及びマイク付きヘッドセットを必ずご持参下さい。


出席予定者:全国大会開催委員長(William W. Baber)、常務会メンバー
14:15-16:15講演 / William Baber ウィリアム ベイバー

” Survey of Japanese-Japanese negotiation “

William W. Baber has combined education with business throughout his career, his professional experience has included economic development in the State of Maryland, language services in the Washington, DC area, supporting business starters in Japan, and teaching business students in Japan, Europe, and Canada. He taught English in the Economics and Business Administration Departments of Ritsumeikan University, Japan before joining the Graduate School of Management at Kyoto University where he is Associate Professor in addition to holding courses at University of Vienna and University of Jyvaskyla. His courses include Business Negotiation, Cross Cultural Management, and Management Communication. He is lead author of the 2020 textbook “Practical Business Negotiation” and conducts research in the areas of negotiation, acculturation, and business models, especially in relation to Japan. He is author of Confirming the Impact of Training on Negotiators and Organizations. Negotiation Journal. 2022. http://doi.org/10.1111/nejo.12384 He can be reached via email (baber.williamwilmer.7x@kyoto-u.ac.jp) and Linked In. He completed his PhD on intercultural adjustment of expatriate workers in Japan in 2016 at University of Jyvaskyla, Finland. In 2004 he earned a Masters of Education from University of Maryland in Instructional Systems Design.

International research about negotiations in Japanese organizations’ puts focus mainly on interactions with non-Japanese counterparties. As a result, little is known about how Japanese organizations interact with each other in Japanese-Japanese intracultural contexts. However, such information could provide better insights into the thinking and expectations of Japanese firms. Additionally, approaches found in Japan may provide ideas about best practices to firms around the world. While the English language literature is lacking in articles on this subject, the Japanese language literature is also largely silent. During the time of the Bubble Economy, roughly mid-1980s to mid-1990s, and there were numerous academic articles written about negotiation in Japan and Japanese negotiation styles. Some of these took the form of laboratory experiments (Graham, 1983, 1993) and less often as studies real world examples (Morishima, 1991). Additional articles followed with investigation of behaviors among Japanese (Brett & Okumura, 1998) and with non-Japanese counterparts (***). Less helpfully, non-academic works like one showing a businessman-ninja on the cover (March, 1988) captured the public’s imagination, and sometime researchers’ too, with overly dramatic ideas about crafty Japanese business negotiators. These ideas impacted numerous articles and popular beliefs about Japanese business.
Most articles about negotiation and Japanese participants however took a cross cultural viewpoint (Adair et al., 2001, 2007, 2009) in comparing and explaining the differences between Japanese and US business negotiations. Some articles used cultural dimensions (Hall & Hall, 1987; Hofstede & Hofstede, 2001) to gain insights (Brett et al., 1998). During the so-called Lost Decades, fewer articles about negotiation in Japan appeared. Notable exceptions took on negotiation habits and preferences from a pragmatic linguistics point of view (Yotsukura, 2003, 2011).
Despite a call for examining Japanese negotiation (Okumura, 2016), little new work has appeared on this topic in Japan in the context of business practices. A recent article on this topic, Baber (2014), puts a focus on behaviors that can be expected in Japanese-Japanese negotiations and identifies some that have disappeared from common use since the Bubble Era. Another article investigates HQ-subsidiary interactions and finds Japanese approaches to internal business negotiations include reactive communication that feature patience, listening, collaborative strategies and consensus (Ott & Kimura, 2016). A next step would be to gain insights into the practices of negotiators in Japanese-Japanese contexts and attempt to evaluate whether those practices are successful for those negotiators. This means first taking a descriptive approach which will confirm what is happening in practice. From these data we can hope someday to prescribe best practices or efforts to fill in gaps that might appear. By basing any distant future proposals on deep knowledge about how Japanese negotiators negotiate, we can avoid the mistaken prescriptions that are sometimes offered by academics or consultants. Prescriptions of what to do are not credible without knowing how real negotiators work and what they hold to be successful.
  • この講演では日本交渉学会全国大会および International Negotiation Teaching and Research Association (INTRA) 京都大会の説明が含まれます。また、通訳のサービスは提供されません。
  • 司会者:東川 達三(新樹グローバル・アイピー特許業務法人、本学会常務理事)