




The Japan Negotiation Society, formerly known as the Japan International Society for Negotiation, is an academic society originally established based on the recommendations of His Excellency Edwin O. Reischauer, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan and Professor Emeritus of Harvard University, to facilitate the studies and improvement of negotiation skills in Japan.

The Japan Negotiation Society is the only negotiation association certified by the Science Council of Japan. Since its establishment in 1988, the Japan Negotiation Society has been focusing on the development of the academic field of negotiation studies, which was back then a new academic area.


会長 射手矢 好雄
President : Yoshio Iteya






本学会は、E. O. ライシャワー(元駐日米国大使、ハーバード大学名誉教授)の助言により、1988年に設立されました。当時私は米国にてライシャワー教授から薫陶を受けておりました。その私が本学会の会長に就任させていただいたことは光栄であり、本学会の発展に全力を尽くす所存です。


Message from the President of the Japan Negotiation Society

My name is Yoshio Iteya, and I have recently become the president of the Japan Negotiation Society. As the successor to former President Shunitsu Nakasako, I will continue his efforts to promote the development of the Society.

The Society is an academic organization devoted to improving the theory and practice of negotiation. Researchers from all academic fields of study, including law, management, economics, politics, psychology, history, and communications, collaborate with each other and conduct interdisciplinary studies of negotiation.

Business practitioners apply the theories of negotiation in practice and provide feedbacks to the academic researchers. The Society publishes its research results through national conferences, lectures, and chapter activities.

The Society aims to bridge the gap between the theory and the practice of negotiation. Any person or business in the modern world would have to engage in negotiation on some level―whether it is on the individual level, on the corporate level, or on the national level. Applying the correct approaches to the negotiation may lead to better results for all parties involved. I myself have studied negotiations in connection with the activities of the Society and have applied the results to real-world negotiations as a legal practitioner. I found that the theory of negotiation is, in fact, surprisingly practical.

The Society was founded in 1988 based on the recommendations of His Excellency Edwin O. Reischauer (Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Emeritus Professor, Harvard University). At that time, I was a student of Professor Reischauer in the United States. I am honored to be appointed as the president of the Society, and I will do everything within my ability to further the development and flourishing of the Society.

I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all members of the Society and would be grateful for the continued active participation and cooperation from our members to expand the community of negotiation scholars. I would also like to invite those interested in the study of negotiation to consider joining the Society―your contributions will be highly appreciated.



  • 学会誌、情報誌、書籍等の発行
  • 研究活動の後援、各種会合での講演


  • 研究者に対する後援
  • 海外研究機関との交流
  • 交流活動の促進
  • 定例の研究会・分科会の開催
  • 交渉に関する情報の収集・配布
  • 交渉学の研究及び啓蒙
  • 総会・シンポジウム等の開催
  • 各種役員会(理事・幹事)の開催
  • 各種委員会(学術・企画・国際・出版・広報・財務)の開催

Activities of the Society

  • Research and educational activities
  • Publication of academic journals, informational journals, books, etc.
  • Sponsorship of research activities, lectures, and conferences
  • Support for researchers
  • Exchange activities with research institutions overseas
  • Regular study meetings and subgroup meetings
  • Collection and distribution of information on negotiation
  • General meetings, symposiums, etc.
  • Board meetings (directors and managers)
  • Committee activities (academic, planning, international, publishing, public relations, and finance)


エドウィン O. ライシャワー(元駐日米国大使、ハーバード大学名誉教授)[ Wikipedia ]
藤田 忠(国際基督教大学、一般社団法人ライシャワー・アカデミー代表理事)



射手矢 好雄(アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所、一橋大学法科大学院)


平澤 敦(中央大学)


加藤 幸英(隼綜合法律事務所、愛知学院大学)
田代 耕平(札幌総合法律事務所)
東川 達三(弁理士法人新樹グローバル・アイピー、立命館大学大学院)
中迫 俊逸(中央大学)
森下 哲朗(上智大学)


熊田 聖(明治大学)
小林秀之(一橋大学、SBI 大学院)
小山 齋(弁護士法人小山・古澤早瀬)
篠原 美登里(共愛学園前橋国際大学)
豊田 愛祥(光和総合法律事務所)




小島 武司(中央大学、桐蔭学園横浜大学)
土居 弘元(国際基督教大学)
麻殖生 健治(立命館大学大学院)

Honorary Presidents

Edwin O. Reischauer (Former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, Professor Emeritus of Harvard University)
Tadashi Fujita (International Christian University, Representative Director of Reischauer Academy)


Yoshio Iteya (Anderson Mori & Tomotsune, Hitotsubashi University School of Law)

Vice President

Atsushi Hirasawa (Chuo University)

Managing Directors

Yukihide Kato (Hayabusa Law Office, Aichi Gakuin University)
Kohei Tashiro (Sapporo Sogo Law Office)
Shunitsu Nakasako (Chuo University)
Tatsuzo Higashikawa (Shinjyu GLOBAL IP, Ritsumeikan University)
Shunitsu Nakasako (Chuo University)
Tetsuo Morishita (Sophia University)


Hijiri Kumada (Meiji University)
Hideyuki Kobayashi (Hitotsubashi University, SBI Graduate School)
Sai Koyama (Koyama Furusawa&Hayase LPC)
Midori Shinohara (Kyoai Gakuen University)
Yoshinaka Toyoda (Kohwa Sohgo Law Offices)
Momotaro Takamori (Kwansei Gakuin University)
Terumasa Matsuyuki (The Graduate School of Project Design)
Masaaki Ando (Japan Society for Negotiation Studies)

Auditing Officer

Mayu Watanabe (Rikkyo University)

Honorary Members

Takeji Kojima (Chuo University, Toin Gakuen University of Yokohama)
Hiromoto Doi (International Christian University)
Kenji Asakusei (Ritsumeikan University)


東京都千代田区大手町1-1-1 大手町パークビルディング
射手矢 好雄(弁護士 / アンダーソン・毛利・友常法律事務所)



射手矢 好雄


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